In the 1970s and 1980s Albania had an extensive rail network with connections between all major cities. Now entire lines are turning into Lost Places.

In the 1970s and 1980s Albania had an extensive rail network with connections between all major cities. Now entire lines are turning into Lost Places.
Albania doesn’t make the list of the most popular travel destinations. But we had no problems finding enough to do for two weeks!
Actually we never wanted to go to Lviv. Nevertheless, this was were we fell out of a plane right on the first day of our tour across the Ukraine. And who was to blame? The UEFA!
In 2007 I set out to visit all member states of the European Union. Eleven years later the mileage counter has cracked the magical mark of 500.000 kilometers 🙂
The last stop on my trip through Belarus was the border city of Brest. Only the Brest Fortress has survived the Second World War, but not just the giant memorial complex is worth a visit! 🙂
Reliability, commitment and leadership skills were to be consciously promoted in the Soviet Union. And how could one train these three qualities better than by letting children operate a railway line?
For 99 years the Hakone Tozan Line has been climbing Mount Hakone. Probably the only train line in the world that starts in Japan and ends in Switzerland… 😉
In 522 goddess Benzaiten emerged the island of Enoshima from the sea and chased a dragon away. We don’t know if that’s true, but Enoshima is a top spot for tourists and nature lovers today 🙂
In Fall 2017 I traveled through Japan for three and a half weeks. How are the country and the people? How do you get around? Do you really have to be rich to see Japan? All the questions and all the answers are in this post 🙂