The great powers in Europe had already fought each other before the First World War. A relic of this period is Fort Vrmac at the coast of Montenegro.

The great powers in Europe had already fought each other before the First World War. A relic of this period is Fort Vrmac at the coast of Montenegro.
Since the 1960s the nuclear powers are aiming intercontinental missiles at each other. At the Titan Missile Museum in Arizona you can have a look at one of them.
Arizona is the second-driest US state. The winters are mild, the summers extremely hot. Best conditions for… aircraft graveyards and open-air museums!
The last stop on my trip through Belarus was the border city of Brest. Only the Brest Fortress has survived the Second World War, but not just the giant memorial complex is worth a visit! 🙂
Many may be familiar with the French Maginot Line. The Soviet counterpart, the Stalin Line, is far less well known. 35 kilometers from Minsk, some of the few remains have been turned into a “Military Amusement Park”.
I went to the “Night of the Museum” at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk. “What could go wrong?”, I thought… 😉
Deep inside a forest in Moldova a giant soviet nuclear bunker is decaying in silence…
Welcome to Transnistria – the last Soviet territory in Europe.
When the media report about South Korea, it is rarely about the beautiful things. Sometimes it’s about the most recent high-tech toy from Samsung or LG, but most of the time about the still ongoing conflict with North Korea.